Hardware and Software Developer

I am an engineer who was registered (Professional Engineer - P.Eng.) with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta APEGA.

Some of the interesting hardware projects in which I have been involved include:

PostWatch - a system that monitors banks of mailboxes and then automatically responds to a telephone query by telling the caller (by voice) whether the caller has mail.
AccuSwath - a GPS based farm vehicle navigation system.

Some of the interesting software projects in which I have been involved include:

Real-time Coal Loading System - automatically fill rail cars with coal - far more difficult than it sounds!
SQL database implemented in PROLOG
Graph Layout - automatically lay out graph nodes and vertices - implemented in Java

I have nearly lost track of all the different computer languages I have used: Java, C, PROLOG, C++, FORTRAN, BASIC, 20 flavors of Assembler, .....

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